Don’t waste my time

What’s the most important thing one human can give another?


Not insincere, temporarily reassuring nods of sympathy.
Not hollow promises.
Not empty words.
Not zombified physical presence.
Not dramatic frenzies of emotion.
The most important thing,
Is Time.

Time is our most precious resource. Time allows us space to be peaceful so we can feel into our truth. Space to heal. Space to watch, listen, read and contemplate. Time gives us space to create. Space to manifest the glory of the benevolent universe as it wishes to be channeled through us.

It does happen that some, still metaphorically blind humans, unwittingly disabuse others of their time because they are yet to realise the importance of their own. They can be forgiven. But only if it becomes apparent their actions are intentionally self-correcting once they have understood the importance of their time and others’.

When humans show respect for others’ time as well as their own, it means they implicitly do not think they are above or below the next person. It means they understand we all have limited amounts of it, no matter where we come from or where we may be on the non-linear timeline of our personal, hourglass journey.

If a person persists in not honouring your time, even when you have intentionally and clearly highlighted your concerns more than once, then they are not to be trusted.

It doesn’t matter if they are your mother, your lover, your husband, client or boss. If they do not acknowledge the importance of your time and respect it, they are thieves who are stealing your life source and life force from you.

Some humans waste whole lifetimes in trauma bonds with unconscious, selfish parents. Parents who would rather see their children towing the line, controlled whilst haemorrhaging their greatest asset, time; treading water to stay afloat in un-rocked systems…. than see their offspring running free and seizing their universally god-given chances to fly, fall, fail, get up again and soar high.

Some humans waste lifetimes trapped in work that wastes their potential. They die hardly having tapped the surface of their unique genius or potential positive impact on the world.

Some humans waste lifetimes in stifling marriages or relationships where their spouse insidiously and mundanely drains them of their time and spark over decades. The bleeding happening so incrementally and so gently they don’t even notice its all gone until they are withered, about to die, their time up.

Some people waste lifetimes sharing time with hypocritical pay-by-the-hour clients who pay lip-service to valuing it only because they realise it’s impossible to reach their potential or achieve their desired goals without the help of others. They disingenuously know they should, but intentionally do not find space in their own diaries to treat others’ time as importantly as their own. These clients are entitled. Their self-importance being particularly insidious. They are wily wolves in sheep’s clothing. Once you have realised their modus operandi, waste time with them at your mental health’s peril.

So there it is. Time is our most important currency. And it is our choice how we invest it.
Either we stay in dysfunctional relationships that waste our time whilst swallowing the bile that rises within us and suffering the painful consequences of internal toxic poisoning. Or we say “no”.

We say actively, with our words and actions, “Do not waste my time”.

We say, “You do not get to waste my most precious asset. You do not get to win at your power game. You do not get to stroke your ego with even temporary ‘proof’ that your time is more valuable than mine.”

We say, “I would rather die in authenticity, honouring myself and my time than waste another minute living and giving of myself to another human or system that does not acknowledge my time’s equality with actions, not just words.”

Time is my most precious possession.

Safe-guarding my time means I get to choose what to do with it. Keeping my time safe means I have the privilege of choosing when to spend magic moments cheering my children on as they grow into adults, hugging them, breathing close to them and whispering sweet nothings in their ears, letting them know steadfastly with my presence that I’ll love them for eternity.

More time means I have space to write when the words demand to be released from my head.

Caring for my time means I have the chance to stop putting an hourly fee on it. Instead, it gives me the chance to unlock the power of productising intellectual property and turn it into exponential revenue streams. Streams that support the universal flow so I can be at liberty to share my time with others freely. To help others to help themselves, so they too can work out how to break their bread so it multiplies and brings forth more precious time for them and their families.

Once you awake to this knowledge everything becomes very, very clear.

Me? I would rather live or die in poverty, outcast from society and alone BUT with self-integrity, than live or die trapped in toxic, selfish systems, knowingly wasting priceless minutes by sharing my time with those who actively disrespect it.

Know this:

All time is born equal. We all run out of time in due course. My time counts. As does yours. I value your time as much as I value my own. Which is a lot. I won’t knowingly waste my time or yours. I won’t live in that cognitive dissonance a day longer. I can’t. Not now I have woken up. So, I will only share my time with you if my time counter matters as much to you as yours does to me.

Please, do not waste my time.
I only have 24 hours.
My 24 hours are precious,
As are you.
But you are not more precious than me.
Time is born equal,
And we are all going to die,
In time.

That said, I will give you my last moment
If you respect it.
And if I believe in my bones
You would do the same for me.


She is me. You are me. I am you. We are we.


Let’s get out of debt. Stay out of debt & live fabulously!