Who gets PMDD?
PMDD, a severe variant of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), brings a rollercoaster of emotions, physical discomfort, and behavioral shifts before menstruation.
Impact and Prevalence
Stats highlight the weight of PMDD, shaking up the lives of about 3-8% of menstruating humans, disrupting the daily groove and relationships.
The Biological Picture
Hormonal Tango
Estrogen and progesterone's dance cues PMDD symptoms, tossing neurotransmitter levels in the brain into disarray.
Neurotransmitter Rollercoaster
Serotonin takes a spin during the luteal phase, stirring up mood swings and emotional storms in those grappling with PMDD.
Genetic Links
Family Ties
Studies highlight the family fingerprint on PMDD, popping up more often among those with relatives wrestling with this disorder.
Genetic Clues
Researchers spot potential genetic quirks linked to PMDD susceptibility, shining a light on the genetic backdrop of this condition.
Don't wait another minute to reclaim your life and start breaking free from PMDD.
Have you been diagnosed with Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) or suspect you might have it? Download Lucy Hutchings Hunt’s FREE guide and get instant access to her top ten nuggets of PMDD break-free, gold. Packed full of personal, practical (and immediately applicable) tried and tested tips. Get ready to take back your life!